Sunday, January 4, 2009

Souful Sunday: This Little Boy

While reading my devotional bible I came across this letter written by Mary C. & Robert G. Wells, Judy & Ken Gire.

Dear Lord,
I want this little boy to know how much I love him. I want him to know how much joy he has brought to my life. I realize, Lord, that he won't understand these things, at least not fully, until someday when he has children of his own. But Lord, help him even now to understand this: Help him to know how much he is wanted.

Help me to show him how much. By the sparkle of delight in my eyes when I smile at him. By how quick I am to drop a mother's chores and play with him. By the unhurried way I read him stories, even stories I've read to him a hundred times before. Especially those stories, Lord, because they will create such a vivid memory for him.

Help me to give this boy a happy childhood, filled with late nights and pillow fights and stories read by flashlight under his covers. May his mornings be filled with building forts, his noons with peanut butter sandwiches eaten in a tree house and his afternoons with baseball with the neighbor kids.

May his childhood be filled with such happy times, Lord, that when he looks back on them, twenty, thirty, forty years hence, the memories will bring a smile to his face and a reassurance to his heart that he was wanted, and that he was loved.

1 comment:

  1. Very sweet & moving. Of course this got me thinking about my boy & brought me to tears. Thanks for sharing!
    Auntie Carol


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